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The Secreteriat thanks all the Fair ACTORS

Who worked in the organization of the International Florence Art and Restoration Fair – an event which Florence was waiting for since many years.
A great challenge for the City of Florence, which supports the event with a series of strategies and synergies.

A particular thanks to all the Institutions, the Superintendences, the Associations which trusted and collaborated in the project.
Thanks to the exhibitors for their trust.
Thanks to all of them who enriched the event with many cultural contents.
Thanks to the restorers and to the Fair visitors.
and... last but not least, thanks to the Staff who strongly worked for the realization of this important event.
We wait for you next year at the second edition 2010… we are working for it, and we are sure it will be enriched with many new contents…the field of Art and Restoration has mach to say and to demontrate!

We are open to any contribution and advice, made in order to improve any aspect of the Fair which wants to become in the future a place for MEETINGS and DIALOGUE.

Write us: < href=""> We will appreciate it!

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