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The official letter by the Italian Minister for Cultural Heritage Sandro Bondi

With an official letter dated the 15th of October and addressed to the President of the Fair, the Italian Minister for Cultural Heritage, Sen. Sandro Bondi, sent his best wishes to the organization of the International Florence Art and Restoration Fair.
" The International Florence Art and Restoration Fair opens its first edition in a particular moment for the work of conservator in Italy. Since few months, in fact, the Ministry has been activating the new rules and regulations of the Italian Codex of Cultural Heritage, which define the definite rules of education of conservators and show the inherent qualifications. In this way, we are sure we will provide great standards in terms of quality and education to all of them who will decide to work in this field. At the same time the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage launched after many years of debates, the first call for the Qualifications of Conservator and Assistant Conservator, an important qualification for all the experienced people who worked in the past in this field. And then the devasting earthquake, which hit L’Aquila, destroying its vast and rich cultural heritage which showed us how is important to have expert and experienced conservators able to operate both in caring and in restoring of the artworks damaged by natural disasters. All this is a confirmation of the importance of the role of the International Florence Art and Restoration Fair that from its first edition show us its actuality. All my best wishes to the organizers for the success of the event, and my personal thanks to them for having reserved a space to the operators involved in the recovering of the heritage damaged by the Abruzzo quake."

The Minister letter will be included in the general catalogue of the event.

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