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Publication of Procedings for the Conference 'Dove va il restauro?'

Paideia Firenze will publish the Procedings of the Conference “Where is Restoration heading? Information and Education for the Protection of Cultural Heritage", organised by the Salone dell’Arte e del Restauro di Firenze.

The publication will include the presentation made by Elena Amodei and a preface by Claudio Paolini with contributions from Matteo Renzi, Luca Mantellassi, Riccardo Nencini, Cristina Acidini Luchinat, Paola Grifoni, Fulvia Lo Schiavo, Antonia Ida Fontana, Bruno Santi, Eugenio Giani, Magnolia Scudieri, Vincenzo Vaccaro, Alessandro Fani, Marco Ciatti, Francesco Gurrieri, Vito Cappellini, Carlo Francini, Andrea Todorow, Paolo Pieri Nerli, Gianoberto Gallieri, Ugo Bargagli Stoffi, Emanuela Sesti, Franco Vichi, Mauro Mattini and Franco Sottani.

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