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Patronage of the FAI - Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano
With an official letter dated the 16th of July, the FAI - Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano Firenze bestowed its prestigious patronage on the Fair. ...continue
Patronage of the Confcultura - Associazione degli operatori ai servizi museali
With an official letter dated the 14th of July, the Confcultura bestowed, in consideration of the importance of the event, its prestigious patronage on the Fair. ...continue
Patronage of the University of Florence
The University Senate in its meeting of the 8th of July bestowed, in consideration of the importance of the event, its prestigious patronage on the Fair. ...continue
Patronage of the ENIT Agenzia Nazionale del Turismo
With an official letter dated the 31st of July 2009, the President of the ENIT - Agenzia Nazionale del Turismo granted its prestigious patronage on the Fair. ...continue
Patronage of the Commissione Nazionale Italiana per l'UNESCO
With an official letter dated the 27th of July 2009, the Italian National Commission for the UNESCO granted its prestigious patronage on the Fair. ...continue
Arch. Emanuela Carpani becomes a member of the Scientific Committee
With an official letter addressed to the President Chev. Franco Sottani, on the 20th of July 2009, Arch. Emanuela Carpani, recently appointed Superintendent for Landscape and Architectural Heritage of the Province Siena and Grosseto, confirmed her prestigious presence as an official member of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair's Scientific Committee. ...continue
Collaboration with the International Association of Conference Interpreters - Florence
On the 14th July, the International Association of Conference Interpreters of Florence confirmed its collaboration with the International Florence Art and Restoration Fair. ...continue
Support of the Confartigianato Imprese Firenze
With an official letter addressed to the Director Elena Amodei on 8th July 2009, Confartigianato Imprese Firenze confirmed its collaboration and presence at the Florence Art and Restoration Fair. ...continue
Dott. Renzo Salimbeni, President of the Florence Research Area of the National Research Council, becomes a member of the Scientific Committee
In a letter dated 6th July addressed to President Cav. Franco Sottani and Director Dott.ssa Elena Amodei, Dott. Renzo Salimbeni confirmed his presence as an official member of the Florence Art and Restoration Fair's Scientific Committee. ...continue
Kerakoll al Salone
Kerakoll, low environmental impact products for the construction sector and historical restoration, has confirmed its presence at the Fair as an exhibitor. ...continue
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